The treasurer Alonso Gutierrez and his chapel in San Martin. Notes and documents on artistic patronage in Madrid of 16th century

  • M. Ángeles Toajas Roger
Keywords: Artistic patronage, Spain, Historical resources, Spanish Jews, Alonso Gutiérrez de Madrid, María de Pisa, Renaissance, Architecture, Sculpture, Painting, Funeral art, Madrid, Monastery of San Martín, Monastery of Descalzas Reales, Diego de Urbina


The funeral chapel of Alonso Gutiérrez, Treasurer of Emperor Carlos V, was one of important artistic works that he promoted in the last stage of his life in Madrid and were continued by his wife Maria de Pisa, all of relevance in the local context of the moment although the most part of them today disappeared. Counting on unpublished primary sources, and taking advantage as well-known documentation, the biographical news of both is contributed, characterizing their condition of members of the high Hispanic bourgeoisie of 16th century, coming from jewish christianized families (conversos); at the same time, is deepened the knowledge of this work, constructed in the Monastery of San Martin between 1535 and 1543, that had their sculptured tombs and a great altarpiece of Diego de Urbina ordered in 1570, to value it as significant of their own artistic interests, but also of the uses of art in the Spain of Renaissance.


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How to Cite
Toajas Roger M. Á. (2005). The treasurer Alonso Gutierrez and his chapel in San Martin. Notes and documents on artistic patronage in Madrid of 16th century. Anales de Historia del Arte, 15, 87-125.