The first phase of the Hall of Mirrors and the interventions of Carbonel and Velazquez (1639-1648)

  • Juan María Cruz Yábar Museo Arqueológico Nacional Departamento de Edad Moderna
Keywords: Hall of Mirrors, Frames, Cartouches, Eagles, Philip IV, Alonso Carbonel, Diego Velazquez, Pedro de la Sota.


We recover Alonso Carbonel’s decisive role in the design of the Hall of Mirrors in the Alcazar. He managed its decoration between 1639 and 1642. The provision of floor and walls was due to him, also the presence of six similar writing desks and, above all, the eight mirrors decorated with bronze eagles, brass Jupiter symbols and cartouches, these in the painting frames too. We increase and analyze the known documentation, relating to the works of the foundry worker Pedro de la Sota and other artists, and the change of the eagles managed by Velazquez from the middle of 1646 to the end of 1648, when he went to Italy.


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How to Cite
Cruz Yábar J. M. (2016). The first phase of the Hall of Mirrors and the interventions of Carbonel and Velazquez (1639-1648). Anales de Historia del Arte, 26, 141-169.