Causes and consequences of the maurophilia of Pedro I of Castile in the XIV & XV century’s architecture

  • Pablo Gumiel Campos Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) / University of York, Department of History of Art
Keywords: Pedro I, Castile kingdom, Maurophilia, Nazarí kingdom of Granada, Palatine architecture, Nazarí architects, Astudillo, Carmona, Tordesillas, Sevilla, Alhambra.


The complex years of Pedro I’s kingdom between 1350 and 1369 were troubled by continues war events and power fighting in a national and international level. In this context the Castile king, needed of an architectural program loaded of legitimation, chose the Islamic architecture for the construction of his palaces in Astudillo, Tordesillas, Carmona and Sevilla. With the development of this palaces, Pedro I conditioned the XIV and XV century’s architecture evolution.


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How to Cite
Gumiel Campos P. (2016). Causes and consequences of the maurophilia of Pedro I of Castile in the XIV & XV century’s architecture. Anales de Historia del Arte, 26, 17-44.