Around the cardinal Don Gil Álvarez de Albornoz and the Sienese goldsmith Andrea Petrucci: the reliquary of St. Lucy’s hand and the chalice of St. Segundo

  • Manuel Parada López De Corselas Università di Bologna / Instituto Catalán de Arqueología Clásica (ICAC) Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Almudena Cros Gutiérrez History of Art, Suffolk University
Keywords: Gil de Albornoz, Andrea Petrucci, Saint Lucy, Saint Segundo, Sienese medieval silverwork, Ávila, Toledo.


This article deals with the complex and hitherto unpublished history of the arrival in Spain of two masterpieces of Sienese craftsmanship in silver and translucent enamel from the fourteenth century: the reliquary of the hand of St. Lucy in Toledo Cathedral and the San Segundo chalice in Ávila Cathedral. The import of these important liturgical and devotional pieces, both signed by the Sienese goldsmith Andrea Petrucci, is inextricably linked with the Italian sojourn of cardinal don Gil de Albornoz, archbishop of Toledo and later cardinal of San Clemente and Sabina, and papal legate. The patronage exercised by the Castilian cardinal and his circle in Italy accounts for the commission and acquisition of these pieces, whose complex itineraries would eventually conclude in Toledo and Ávila.


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How to Cite
Parada López De Corselas M. y Cros Gutiérrez A. (2015). Around the cardinal Don Gil Álvarez de Albornoz and the Sienese goldsmith Andrea Petrucci: the reliquary of St. Lucy’s hand and the chalice of St. Segundo. Anales de Historia del Arte, 24(Especial), 401-419.