Technique, Courtliness and Social Distinction in the Medieval Ceramics

  • Jaume Coll Conesa Museo Nacional de Cerámica “González Martí”
Keywords: Al-Andalus, Medieval Spain, ceramic technique, majolica, lustreware, aulic pottery.


Islamic society gave the pottery a high capacity for symbolic representation of power thanks to its promotion, favouring his great technical development. This can be perceived in al-Andalus during the Caliphate of Córdoba, with the introduction of tin-glaze pottery, but it achieved under taifa’s kingdoms an upper bound with the lusterware. This role was emulated by Christian society promoting technical transfer and gradually impulsing the Moorish craft and using their ceramics for both, the Court and market needs.


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How to Cite
Coll Conesa J. (2015). Technique, Courtliness and Social Distinction in the Medieval Ceramics. Anales de Historia del Arte, 24(Especial), 69-97.