Medardo Rosso’s work as a meeting point betweeen clasical and contemporary aesthetics

  • Guillermo Aguirre Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Teoría de Literatura y Literatura Comparada
Keywords: Medardo Rosso, sculpture, transi, Impresionism.


Medardo Rosso, with Degas and Rodin, is considered the initiator of modern sculpture due to giving up the traditional influences and also due to his attempt to introduce unknowed or unnoticed aspects until that moment. As we will see, new characteristics will be developed in order to conquer a high level of abstraction and to achieve the dematerializatio of the object. An impressionistic hue, a fleeting aspect, will be considered as a common feature of Rossos’s sculpture. Moreover, we will notice the approach between Rosso’s work and another predecessor models with the purpose of following the trail of certain aspects that runs from the past to the contemporary sculpture.


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How to Cite
Aguirre Martínez G. (2014). Medardo Rosso’s work as a meeting point betweeen clasical and contemporary aesthetics. Anales de Historia del Arte, 24, 169-181.