Cathedral palaces, Palatial cathedrals

  • Miguel Sobrino Gozález Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
Keywords: Barcelona’ s Cathedral, palace cathedral, stand, passage, appearances balcony.


Cathedrals do not constitute a homogeneous architectural type; on the contrary, the different specialization degrees should be distinguished among them. In the same way as the subtype of fortified cathedrals, which unite defensive elements and an important role in the military structures of the city, is accepted; the present work defends the existence of palace cathedrals whose form and project are partially due to its civil function by taking privileged areas in for the representation of the ancient power. Beginning with the exemplary case of Barcelona, a first list of palace cathedrals in Spain and its relationship with foreign examples in which we should go into detail about is proposed.


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How to Cite
Sobrino Gozález M. (2013). Cathedral palaces, Palatial cathedrals. Anales de Historia del Arte, 23(Esp. (II), 551-567.