Psychedelic tipologies through Rock iconography

  • Eduardo Rodríguez Clavo Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Facultad de Geografía e Historia Departamento de Historia del Arte III (Contemporáneo)
Keywords: Iconography, Rock music, Posters, Record covers, LP format, System of symbols, Synestesia.


An iconic journey through recurrent graphic elements capables to shape a Rock iconography during psychedelic period, between 1966 until the end of the sixties. Selection, catalogue and analysis of record covers in LP format and concert and other events posters. Plastic and typographical sources: origins, adaptations and parodies. Mass media textuality and global spreading. Permeability of key artists and influence shift: The Beatles-Bob Dylan. Audiovisual communication empowered by psychoactive substances, mostly LSD, and finally synestesia as sensorial capacity amplified by the aforementioned drugs to achieve a new and mind blogging aesthetic joy.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Clavo E. (2013). Psychedelic tipologies through Rock iconography. Anales de Historia del Arte, 23(Especial), 169-183.