From a critical art to a socialist art: the itinerary of León Ferrari and Ricardo Carpany as a symptom of the historical transformations of the relationship between art and politics in Argentina (and Latin America) during the Sixties and Seventies

  • Jaime Vindel Gamonal Universidad de Salamanca
Keywords: Art, Politics, Latin America, vanguard, Anti-Intellectualism.


It would be difficult to attempt to understand the radicalisation of the Argentinean art scene in the time spanning from the late fifties to the early seventies without turning to the intellectual career of two artists: Ricardo Carpani and León Ferrari. Both men exercised a marked influence over their contemporaries, becoming gravitational centres in the understanding and the development of the connections between art and politics during the period.


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Author Biography

Jaime Vindel Gamonal, Universidad de Salamanca
Historiador del Arte



How to Cite
Vindel Gamonal J. (2013). From a critical art to a socialist art: the itinerary of León Ferrari and Ricardo Carpany as a symptom of the historical transformations of the relationship between art and politics in Argentina (and Latin America) during the Sixties and Seventies. Anales de Historia del Arte, 22, 193-213.