Método y estudio del color en la arquitectura. El caso de la iglesia de Santa Tecla de Cervera de la Cañada (Zaragoza)

  • Antonio Olmo Gracia Universidad de Zaragoza


The present article, part of a PhD dissertation in process, it offers the colors characterization of the coating of one of the most significant buildings of Aragon in the 15th century: the church of Santa Tecla in Cervera de la Cañada (Saragossa), work of Mahoma Rami (1426). Registered of colors has been carried out from the information provided by the memories of restoration, a source habitually not taken in account by art historians and from its relationship with the documentation and medieval literature. This procedure is essential for a subsequent approach to a study in depth of the coating.


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How to Cite
Olmo Gracia A. (2012). Método y estudio del color en la arquitectura. El caso de la iglesia de Santa Tecla de Cervera de la Cañada (Zaragoza). Anales de Historia del Arte, 22(Especial), 347-357. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ANHA.2012.39093