Of Rusty Bicycles and Out-of-Tune Pianos. Testimonial Objects in Contemporary Plays about the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship

  • Theresa Viefhaus Universität Münster
Keywords: teatro, posmemoria, objeto testimonial, trauma, identidad, Bagaje, Santa Perpetua, La armonía del silencio


Drawing on Marianne Hirsch’s concept of postmemory and a selection of studies on material memories of the 20th century political violence in Spain and Latin America, this article is interested in the role of testimonial objects in the intergenerational transmission of trauma caused by the Spanish Civil War and Francoist Spain. In particular, it examines the forms and functions of the witnesses’ former belongings in the theatre of memory. By focusing on three plays – Bagaje (1983) by Jerónimo López Mozo; Santa Perpetua (2010) by Laila Ripoll; and La armonía del silencio (2016) by Lola Blasco – the study explores theatre’s diverse possibilities to stage testimonial objects or, on the contrary, to mark their absence or latent state. The analysis also aims to delineate the potential of these objects to trigger acts of memory, affect the characters as well as influence dramatic action, time and space.


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How to Cite
Viefhaus T. (2024). Of Rusty Bicycles and Out-of-Tune Pianos. Testimonial Objects in Contemporary Plays about the Spanish Civil War and the Francoist Dictatorship. Talía. Revista de estudios teatrales, 6, 5-12. https://doi.org/10.5209/tret.92013