Jo no ravalejo: Cartografías afectivas y memoria cultural de barrio en la Trilogía del Raval, de Josep Maria Benet i Jornet (1964–2000)

  • Elisabet Pallas University of Massachusetts Amherst
Keywords: cultural memory, ruins, urban, spectrality, theatre


This article reflects on the destruction of cultural memory as it is displayed in the set of plays known as The Raval’s Trilogy, written by Josep Maria Benet i Jornet. This set of dramatic pieces, composed in a 40-year span of time, describes the evolution of an old dwelling in the neighborhood of el Raval and proposes visual and dramatic features that serve as strategies to resist cultural erasure, oppose gentrification and urban remodeling processes. The article analyses the materiality of ruins and its inherent affective and spectral qualities as artefacts capable of evoking and invoking the past and concludes the ability of nostalgic discourse to creatively voice the past.


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How to Cite
Pallas E. (2022). Jo no ravalejo: Cartografías afectivas y memoria cultural de barrio en la Trilogía del Raval, de Josep Maria Benet i Jornet (1964–2000). Talía. Revista de estudios teatrales, 4, 5-14.