The tasks content and dynamics of the occupations in Spain

  • Sergio Torrejón Pérez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Employment, structural change, automatization, economic cycle.


This paper analyze the relationship between the task content of occupations and its trajectory along the last economic cycle in Spain. After identifying through a synthesis of the specialized literature which are the task that are more sensitive to changes in the demand side of the employment, two objectives are addressed: see if the intensity of the different tasks (routine, creativity, social tasks) within occupations is related positively or negatively with its growth and analyze which one of this attributes explains a greater part of the variance of the dependent variable (the growth of the occupations). This analysis offers novel results that contribute to clarify which theory explain better the dynamics of the labor market in Spain in the last decades.


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Author Biography

Sergio Torrejón Pérez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctor en Sociología por la UCM. Especializado en el cambio estructural del empleo y sus implicaciones desde el punto de vista de la desigualdad. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en Eurofound -Dublín- y el Instituto Europeo de Florencia y participado en proyectos de investigación nacionales -Ciclo Económico, Desigualdad y Polarización Social- e internacionales -European Jobs Monitor-
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How to Cite
Torrejón Pérez S. (2019). The tasks content and dynamics of the occupations in Spain. Sociología del Trabajo, 94, 89-109.