Transitory Spaces and Identities in the Narrations about Exile. Anna Seghers’ "Transit" and Vladimir Vertlib’s "Zwischenstationen"

  • Ana Giménez Calpe Universitat de València
Keywords: Exile Literature, Anna Seghers, Vladimir Vertlib, Interculturality, Transit


This article explores the experience of exile described in Anna Seghers’ Transit and Vladimir Vertlib’s Zwischenstationen from the perspective of the transitory. To that end, I will not only analyze the characterization of the exile spaces as assumed transit spaces, but also the characters’ changing identities, as it will be argued that the characters are able to get closer to the new cultures in the host countries. By analyzing the intercultural experiences that are described in both novels, I will not only suggest a new interpretation for Transit, a much studied text, but also confirm that the classic German exile literature anticipates some aspects of contemporary texts like Zwischenstationen.


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How to Cite
Giménez Calpe A. (2018). Transitory Spaces and Identities in the Narrations about Exile. Anna Seghers’ "Transit" and Vladimir Vertlib’s "Zwischenstationen". Revista de Filología Alemana, 26, 103-120.
Articles. Literary Studies