'Menschen'. Karla Königʼs Female Characters

  • Bartosz Wójcik Universität Stettin
Keywords: Karla König, 1918, Image of Woman in Literature, Pomerania


After the World War I, the prior legal and political system of the German state abruptly ended; the social and cultural transformation had been initiated much earlier and in 1918 was still ongoing. Karla König’s Menschen, a collection of short prose texts published in 1919, provides a snapshot of this transformation in the Pomeranian society of that era, depicted via a literary image of woman. The paper describes and analyses female characters presented by König, and the scale of these representations may be understood as a reflection of various facets of the burgeoning female emancipation.


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How to Cite
Wójcik B. (2020). ’Menschen’. Karla Königʼs Female Characters. Revista de Filología Alemana, 28, 39-54. https://doi.org/10.5209/rfal.70046
Articles. Literary Studies