A Prophet from Germany? Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer: Read-ings of Stefan George

  • María Belforte Universidad de Buenos Aires / CONICET
Keywords: Jugendstil, Walter Benjamin, Siegfried Kracauer, George Circle, Weimar Republic


This paper is intended to reconstruct Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer’s interpretations of Stefan George’s work. It analyses Benjaminian images such as the prophet, the reformer and the minstrel, and the characteristics of the Jugendstil in Stefan George’s poetry. Both readings allow us to distinguish two stages with different political consequences in George’s work: on the one hand, the attempt to conjure nature through aesthetic device and, on the other hand, the gesture that aims at blocking the utopian will.


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How to Cite
Belforte M. (2018). A Prophet from Germany? Walter Benjamin and Siegfried Kracauer: Read-ings of Stefan George. Revista de Filología Alemana, 26, 85-102. https://doi.org/10.5209/RFAL.60143
Articles. Literary Studies