Callas in Concert: on the hologram, memory and presence

  • Lorena Rojas Parma Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Keywords: hologram, imitation, reproduction, Callas, Plato


The article proposes a critical reflection on the phenomenon of the hologram in concert, through the “Callas in Concert”, in the Rose Hall at Lincoln Center. To do this, the image, reproduction and imitation of the hologram, in relation to the original, and the quality of that aesthetic experience, are discussed. Also, the study analyses its pharmakon function for human memory, the deep differences it keeps with memory, and how it can affect our relationships with the past and, finally, if the “hologram in concert” is some kind of evidence, so to speak, of the “irreplaceable” condition –as Gadamer says– of the live experience.


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Author Biography

Lorena Rojas Parma, Universidad Católica Andrés Bello

Profesora Titular. Profesora de Filosofía Antigua, en pre y postgradon. Investigadora a tiempo completo de Centro de Investigación y Formación Humanística.

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How to Cite
Rojas Parma L. (2020). Callas in Concert: on the hologram, memory and presence. Revista de Filosofía , 45(2), 317-339.