Heuristisch legitimierte Grundsätze der Vernunft und ideell interpretierte Vernunftideen. Zur Funktion der wissenschaftstheoretischen Beispiele des ersten Teils des Anhangs zur Transzendentalen Dialektik der Kritik der reinen Vernunft
- Rudolf Meer Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University, Russia University of Graz, Austria
Biografia do Autor
Dr. Rudolf Meer is post-doc researcher at the Center of History of Science, University of Graz and research assistant in the Project Kantian Rationality and Its Impact in Contemporary Science, Technology, and Social Institutions (PI: Prof. Thomas Sturm - No. 2019-220-07-5933) His areas of specialization are Kant’s theoretical philosophy, the realism/non-realism debate, and the relations between philosophy and history of science.
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