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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

1. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research) is a biannual scientific journal specialising in Feminism, Gender and Women's Studies, which is structured around three sections: Monographic, Miscellaneous and Reviews.

2. The submission of an article implies that the content of the article has neither been published nor sent for publication to another journal and/or publisher, except as a brief summary in the proceedings of a conference or congress. Investigaciones Feministas maintains a scrupulous anti-plagiarism policy, which includes the use of specialised software to guarantee the originality of all manuscripts.

3. The articles, which must be original, shall be sent through the online platform OJS, which is accessed through the address (select the preferred language). Once registered as an author, the steps indicated there must be followed (see Instructions for authors). Any doubts regarding the submission of papers may be consulted at this electronic address (

4. The title of the article must be in Spanish and English. It should be a short title but representative of the whole text (preferably less than 20 words), in an academic tone (neither informative nor artistic) and containing key words of the article, in order to facilitate its location in databases. A summary of between 200 and 300 words in Spanish and another in English (abstract) must be included. The abstract must include the following aspects in bold type: introduction/purpose/objectives, methodology, results and discussion/contribution/originality of the contribution. Additionally, the practical implications of the research can be added.

5. Usually, 6 or 7 keywords should be included. It is recommended to use, for example, the Women's Thesaurus (Tesauro de Mujeres) or the Gender Thesaurus (Tesauro de Género) or a similar thesaurus. Keywords should be included in English and Spanish.

6. The journal accepts articles in Spanish and English. For articles written in English, authors are responsible for submitting their work in rigorous English. It is strongly recommended that if English is not your mother tongue, manuscripts be reviewed by a native editor familiar with English academic writing.

7. The articles should follow the following structure: introduction (description of the problem, state of the question, objectives, hypotheses), methodology, results, conclusions and discussion-contributions-limitations. Another structure that includes the aforementioned sections could be accepted, if the subject matter and approach justifies it. For example, although methodological issues should be dealt with in a separate section, it may sometimes be appropriate to include them in the introduction to the article. Likewise, the results and discussion sections can be treated together in some cases. 

Failure to follow the above guidelines - concerning the title, keywords, abstract and structure of the paper - will result in the article being rejected at the initial review stage by the Editorial Board.

8. The journal accepts book reviews, with a maximum length of 1,000 words, which have been published in the last 18 months and which refer to the research areas covered by the journal.

9. The paper must be properly anonymised and this includes the document properties as explained in Anonymise (Anonimizar). While legitimate, it is recommended to avoid excessive self-citation.

10. Once the article is prepared according to the established guidelines, it will be sent in Word format (additional files may be sent). The submission will be made through the OJS platform, hosted on the website of the Publications Service of the Complutense University of Madrid. Once registered as an author on the OJS platform, the steps indicated there must be followed (see Instructions for authors).
Any doubts regarding the submission of papers can be consulted at the following e-mail address (

11. Text format. All collaborations must be adjusted to a specific format, according to the specifications described in Annex I. Papers shall be presented in Times New Roman 11, single line spacing, and space after paragraphs in type 6. The document must be paginated and justified. The title shall be written in the same typography, type 14, and centered. All the summary block and keywords shall be in type 10.

The sections and subsections of the text shall be numbered, starting from 1. Introduction. The sections shall be in type 11, lowercase bold and never have a full stop

If there are reproductions of fragments, when they exceed three lines in length, they must be in a separate, indented paragraph, in the same font, in size 11 and with inverted commas.

In addition, the following style considerations shall be taken into account: Accented capital letters; Latinisms in italics (et al., In situ ...) as well as words in languages ​​other than that of the text; Abbreviations without full stops (ERIH, CSIC, ONU, UNESCO...)

The notes should be limited to the minimum necessary, as they are not to be recommended, and shall be at the foot of the page in type 9, justified and numbered correlatively. Although the notes may include bibliographical references, they shall always be cited in the corresponding section according to the format of the journal.

12. The diagrams, drawings, graphs, tables, photographs, etc., must be of sufficient quality so as to be directly reproduced. They shall be numbered consecutively according to the type (table, graph, etc.) and should be inserted in the appropriate place within the text body of the paper. They shall be presented in black and white or grayscale. All shall include their corresponding title in Arabic numbering, type 10, and shall be referenced in the text. The text inside tables shall be type 9. They shall be footnoted: Figure 1,2,3, ... and the title of the figure where appropriate. They shall be cited in the text (Figure 1, 2, ...) in the corresponding place. Although the journal is subject to Article 32 of the Copyright Act, the authors are held responsible for the reproduction of their works. They are also responsible for the reproduction permission thereof and must obtain the appropriate permissions, not forgetting to mention, where appropriate, the name of the author of the image (if consent is granted for the inclusion of these details) and the place from which it has been extracted.

13.  Should there be Annexes, these shall be at the end of the paper and they may not exceed 10% of the extension of the paper in number of pages. They may include documents such as sources of information, tables, statistics, graphs, timelines, maps, plans or other illustrations. They must be titled and numbered with Arabic numbers, in type 11, and be referenced in the text.

14.  The citations shall be made in the text considering the following criteria:
If the author's surname is in the text:

The year must be followed in parentheses:

Martínez Gómez (2000) has pointed out...

If the author's surnames do not in the text:

The surnames of the author/s shall be included in parentheses and in lower case, separated by commas, followed by the year and, if applicable, the page/s separated by commas.

(Martínez Gómez, 2000).

(Aguado and Ramos, 2007, 30)

If there are several authors:

If there are two authors, "and" shall be used between them. In the case of more than five authors, the first should be followed by et al.

(Tavera et al., 1983).

When more than one work is cited:

They should appear in the alphabetical order of the surnames and shall be separated by semicolons.

(Capel, 2006; Fernández Valencia et al., 2008; Vázquez Cupeiro, 2015).

For papers or studies without author:

The name of the newspaper or organization, not the title of the document, shall be used:

... it was confirmed (El Mundo, 2007) that ...

15.  Bibliographical references shall appear at the end of the paper, sorted alphabetically, according to the APA-Harvard format, as in the following examples:


Last name Last name, complete name of author (year). Book title in italics. Place of publication: Publisher.

Posada Kubisa, Luisa (2015). Filosofía, crítica y (re)flexiones feministas. Madrid: Fundamentos.

When there are two authors, an “and” shall be placed between them. When the authorship is greater than 5, the following shall be indicated: Last name, first name of the first author followed by “et al”.

If there is an editor, compiler, coordinator, the proper abbreviations should be used.

Amelang, James y Nash, Mary (Eds.), (1990). Historia y género: las mujeres en la Europa Moderna y Contemporánea. Valencia: Edició Alfons el Magnànim.

Book chapter:

Last name Last name, Full name (year). Title of the chapter. In Name of the Publisher / Surname, followed by (Ed./Eds./Coord./Coords):  Title of the book in italics (number of pages separated by a hyphen). Place of publication: Publisher.

Nielfa Cristóbal, Gloria (2011). Mujeres y política en el franquismo: el régimen y la oposición. En  Ángeles Egido y Ana Fernández (Eds.): Ciudadanas, militantes, feministas. Mujer y compromiso político en el siglo XX (pp. 163-198). Madrid: Eneida.

Journal articles:

Last name Last name, Full name (year). Title of the paper. Title of the journal in italics, Volume (number), pages number separated by a hyphen.

The DOI (Digital Object Identifier) should be added in the bibliographic citations of papers and electronic publications that have it.

Almarcha Barbado, Mª Amparo (2016). El oficio profesional de la sociología y otras profesiones en clave de mujer. Investigaciones Feministas, 7(2), 139-157. doi:

Web page:

In addition to the authorship, the full address of the cited document shall be included, as well as the date in which it was consulted, in parentheses. In the case of long URL links, abbreviated links should be used (see: Google Shortener at

Last name Last name, Full name (year). Title in italics. Available at: Internet address (consulted on Day, Month, Year).

National Center for Professional Certification (2002). Factors affecting organizational climate and retention. Available in: (consultado el 10 de Julio de 2010).

Thesis, Final Master Project, etc.

Last Name Last name, Full Name (Year). Title of the thesis in italics. PhD Thesis, Academic Institution in which it was presented, Place.

Green, Laura (2012). “Non-sporty girls take the lead”: a feminist participatory action research approach to physical activity. PhD Thesis, Brunel University, UK.

Communications or conference presentations

Last name Last name, Full name (year). Title of the communication. In: Name of the conference (Editorial), City, Date held, pages if applicable. Place of publication: Publisher.

Other sources

See APA, 7th Edition. Author/s’ full name to always be included.

In addition, for the references to be correct, the following should be considered:

There is a capital letter after ":" (colon). Only the first letter of the first word of the title is capitalized.

16. If there are Acknowledgments, these shall be added at the end of the paper. This point shall include the identification of people who deserve recognition but do not justify their appearance as author (scientific advisors, support in data collection, previous consent to be mentioned), acknowledgment of technical aid and recognition of economic and material support, specifying the nature of the support.

17. Funding details. If the work has been done with some type of financial support (scholarships, projects, etc.), it shall be indicated on the first page, in a footnote attached to the title.

In the event that any relationships exist that could raise a conflict of interests, the necessary information must be provided and recorded under the heading "Conflict of interests".

18. The Editorial Board will carry out an initial review of the paper, and if it fulfills the basic conditions, the author will be informed of the reception. An internal identification code will be assigned to the paper and used throughout the entire process. Once verified that the article meets the thematic and formal requirements, the process of evaluation by the double-blind system review process will be initiated with the consultation of at least two national or international external advisers. Reviewers can determine: a) that the article is accepted and may be published as it is (or with small formal modifications); b) that the article is accepted with minor modifications; c) that it is conditioned to a revision and new submission; or d) that the paper is rejected due to content and/or drafting problems that cannot be solved in a short amount of time. In the event of discrepancy between the results, the article will be sent to a third reviewer, whose judgement shall define the final evaluation. The results of the evaluation process shall not be subject to appeal in any case.

When the result of an evaluation is conditioned to a new revision and presentation, a maximum time of 15 days will be available for the author to make the changes in a new version of the paper.

All changes incorporated after the revision of the paper should be identified in red. In addition, it will be essential to attach a sheet that exhaustively specifies the page where the change has been made and a brief explanation of what has been done in order to follow the recommendations of each reviewer.

The author(s) will be notified of the decisions taken and, if applicable, any possible modifications suggested for subsequent re-submission. The date of receipt and date of approval of the paper shall be included in the publication.

19. The authors of the accepted papers for publication will receive the page proofs prior to publication, in order to correct possible errata or grammatical errors. Changes that affect the content of the article may not be made. Corrected proofs must be returned to the Journal Directorate within a maximum period of 8 days.

20. Only the authors are held responsible for the content of their manuscripts. Likewise, the Journal Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research) will maintain the legal rights over its publications. Acceptance of a paper for publication implies that copyrights in any medium and for any support are transferred to the Journal Editor, in this case the Institute of Feminist Research and the Complutense University of Madrid. The publication in the Journal Investigaciones Feministas does not give the right to the collection of any type of payment.

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