Women’s bodies reappropriation in television fiction. analysis of "Orange is the New Black"

  • Patricia Martínez García Universidad del País Vasco
  • Delicia Aguado-Peláez Universidad del País Vasco
Keywords: Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis, Female Bodies, Gender Studies and Feminism, Orange is the New Black, (Against)Violence in television.


Traditionally, fictional television stereotypes women and it become them invisible because of a representation linked to pleasure of men, only like a passive object. However, the Third Golden Age of Television allows spaces to products that break this normative androcentric model, such as Orange is the New Black (Netflix, 2013). Thus, this research study the discourses about women sexuality and bodies through a Feminist Critical Discourse Analysis. In particular, it uses two paradigmatic episodes where these topics are dealt: A Whole Other Hole (204) and Fear, and Other Smells (308). In these sense, Jenji Kohan’s drama allows to re-appropriate women`s sexualities and bodies through a diverse representation and breaking the patriarchy’s silences about female realities.


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How to Cite
Martínez García P. y Aguado-Peláez D. (2017). Women’s bodies reappropriation in television fiction. analysis of "Orange is the New Black". Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 8(2), 401-413. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.54974