Women and creation in the videogame industry in Spain: opportunities and difficulties in masculinized spaces

  • Aurora Méndez Martínez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: women, digital divide, video games, development.


Video games are one of the first leisure alternatives in our society and generate millions of euros in profits annually. However, only 17% of its creators are women, which implies an important loss of creative capital and high economic gains that are not equitably distributed in a context of social inequality. Multiple factors, from the content of video games to the social environment, negatively influence women, creating a disaffection for video games. On the other hand, the masculinized environments and the lack of authority of the women around the videogames, curb the pretensions of the players to make the leap toward the professionalization in this industry. The objective of this article, through a bibliographical review, is to begin a research of the causes of the underrepresentation of women in the video game industry, in order to find solutions, create a more sustainable economy for Europe, an increase of equal spaces And greater job opportunities for women.


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Author Biography

Aurora Méndez Martínez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Doctoranda en Estudios Feministas y de Género. Graduada en Antropología social y cultural - Universidad Complutense de Madrid
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How to Cite
Méndez Martínez A. (2017). Women and creation in the videogame industry in Spain: opportunities and difficulties in masculinized spaces. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 8(2), 545-560. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.54912