Portraying other women and mapping our relationships

  • María Rosario García-Huidobro Munita Universidad de Barcelona
Keywords: Artistic Practice, relations between women, mediation, artistic policy.


This writing reflects a set of paintings created for an exhibition in June of 2016 in Barcelona. The series was titled “Face cartographies” and was composed by eleven paintings that crisscrossed the faces of the artist with other women. In addition, on each painting layed a map who was performed by the artist with the woman portrayed, where both mapped their links in the portrait to name their symbolic realities. From these works, the author makes a tour explaining how the series originated, what experiences and referents lead her to take elements of cartography and feminism for these creations. Through this work we speak about an artistic practice that seeks mediation because it puts in the center the relationship with other women, to make visible the links between them as political practices that move in the field of arts. It reflects on how new images created in feminist artistic practices can challenge traditional ideas of portraiture and well, the sense of lived as women.


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Author Biography

María Rosario García-Huidobro Munita, Universidad de Barcelona

Licenciada en Artes Visuales de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile y en pedagogía en la Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Chile. Máster y Doctora en Artes y Educación por la Universidad de Barcelona.

Actualmente me desarrollo como artista visual, elaborando proyectos con grupos de mujeres y como profesora de artes, enfocando la enseñanza artística de manera autodidácta hacia grupos de mujeres y madres e hijas en Barcelona.

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How to Cite
García-Huidobro Munita M. R. (2017). Portraying other women and mapping our relationships. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 8(2), 603-618. https://doi.org/10.5209/INFE.54143