"The embrace of Mary and Elizabeth" or "The Visitation". About the affection and support among women.

  • Bea Porqueres Giménez Profesora de Educación Secundaria
Keywords: Mary, Elizabeth, The Visitation, Iconography, Didactic.


The Embrace of Mary and Elizabeth or The Visitation is an iconographic subject inspired by the Luke´s gospel and the apocryphal texts. The episode displays the visit of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth, both pregnant with Jesus and John the Baptist respectively. In addition to its religious significance, The Visitation can be understood as a secular matter; an image about the friendship, mutual support, recognition and affection among women. The article explains a series of Visitations with the objective of being used with a didactic purpose.


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How to Cite
Porqueres Giménez B. (2013). "The embrace of Mary and Elizabeth" or "The Visitation". About the affection and support among women. Investigaciones Feministas (Feminist Research), 4, 133-154. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_INFE.2013.v4.41881