Revisiting the Canton of Cartagena: A revolutionary micro-space and its global connections (1873)

  • Jeanne Moisand Universidad París 1 Panteón-Sorbona
Keywords: Localism, internationalism, republic, labour, gender, Cantón de Cartagena


This article offers a micro-spatial analysis of the canton of Cartagena (1873), examining closely the small revolutionary society to uncover its links, both human and ideological, with a wider context. While in the Spanish historical imagination, the cantonal revolution symbolizes the blindest localism, the article shows that the political project of the insurgents was by no means restricted to the region, and that it relied instead on unprecedented solidarities on the scale of the nation, the Spanish empire and the world. Following the lessons of micro-history, the article uses the itineraries of some renowned (or more forgotten) leaders of the Canton to make these broad connections visible. It then focuses on the anonymous insurgents, male and female workers from popular classes, to understand the motives and forms of their solidarity with worlds other than their own.


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How to Cite
Moisand J. . (2023). Revisiting the Canton of Cartagena: A revolutionary micro-space and its global connections (1873). Historia y Política, 49, 91-115.