José Antonio Primo de Rivera and the Popular Front

  • Joan Maria Thomàs Universidad Rovira i Virgili
Keywords: Falange Española, Fascism, Second Republic, Popular Front, Spanish Civil War


This article analyzes the actions of both the leader of the Falange Española de las JONS José Antonio Primo de Rivera and his organization from the stage prior to the Popular Front elections until the death of Primo in November 1936. The fundamentals of the ideology and the Fascist program of Falange, including the contradiction between its extreme right positioning and its anti-conservatism, are analyzed in order to explain Primo’s positioning after the Falange’s electoral defeat; his final acceptance of military coup of July; and his failed attempt to stop the war in the following August by proposing a reconciliation government agreement with a program containing some of the measures of the Popular Front program.


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How to Cite
Thomàs J. M. (2019). José Antonio Primo de Rivera and the Popular Front. Historia y Política, 41, 153-‍174.