“Yo también os digo á las armas”. National Guard commandants and mitristas caudillos in the Revolution of 1874 (Buenos Aires province, Argentina)

  • Leonardo Canciani Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
Keywords: Revolution of 1874, Buenos Aires, National Guard commandants, caudillos, Benito Machado


In this paper we will analyze the participation of the commanders of the National Guard and the military-militia leaders of the province Buenos Aires in the revolution mitrista (1874). First, we examine the initial days of the revolution and reconstructions the role of the local authorities loyal to the government and the rebel commandants who carried out this movement in the campaign. Second, we study the recruitment mechanisms that implement the Colonel Benito Machado for gather National Guard and add resources to the cause mitrista. The victory of the government represents further consolidation for Argentine National State. We conclude that, the armed mobilization that accomplished the rebel commandants and the caudillos mitristas demonstrates its resilience to the loss of power that still maintain in the south and in the frontier of Buenos Aires province.


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How to Cite
Canciani L. (2018). “Yo también os digo á las armas”. National Guard commandants and mitristas caudillos in the Revolution of 1874 (Buenos Aires province, Argentina). Historia y Política, 37, 211-240. https://doi.org/10.18042/hp.37.08