La contraprogramación y la desprogramación en España (1989-1994). Definiciones, desarrollo y ejemplos

  • Javier Mateos-pérez
Keywords: Private televisión, Spain, Programmation, De-programmation, Against-programmation, Channel competence


This investigation centres on the de-programmation televising technique, which was developed during private channels creation. This period of time is important as it means a change in national broadcast model, considered as the embryo of the current audiovisual panorama. In this background, the de-programmation shows as indicative sample of the vivid battle fought between transmitters to achieve the greater possible audience, that is to say, the greater advertising investment. The study not only describes de-programmation birth and typology, but also provides unpublished material obtained from specialized magazines and mass media, which proves practice development during early years. An opinion compilation from the concurrence channels programmers is also added to this material, that condense different television professional approaches. They intend to legitimate a programming practice which pernicious effects were left to be felt by different close to TV sectors, specially by early 90´s television spectator.


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How to Cite
Mateos-pérez J. . (2008). La contraprogramación y la desprogramación en España (1989-1994). Definiciones, desarrollo y ejemplos. Historia y Comunicación Social, 13, 119-137.