Spanish fiction series during the first television competition (1990-1994). The origin of modern production

Keywords: television, television series, television fiction, television programming, Spain


This paper analyzes Spanish television fiction series produced during the initial stage of national television competition (1990-1994). With this objective, the offer of series is reviewed, and their content, characteristics, evolution, and relationship with the competition are studied. A qualitative methodology is proposed based on a database of 7,990 records, with which the programming is classified and evaluated. The results indicate that self-produced series were key during the concurrence of the period, particularly, situation comedies and dramas. Their relevance is determined by their presence in the programming, by the audience following and by their impact in shaping the identity of the channels.


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How to Cite
Mateos-Pérez J. (2023). Spanish fiction series during the first television competition (1990-1994). The origin of modern production. Historia y Comunicación Social, 28(1), 181-189.