Hero, myth and popular icon: historical evolution of Batman in social media (1939-2017)

  • Raúl Álvarez Gómez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Keywords: Batman, myth, cinema, comic, videogames


In 2019, eighty years have passed since the creation of Batman, one of the most influential comic characters in the development of popular culture. This article studies its historical evolution from the different versions of the character that the media has offered where it has appeared throughout this time. From his debut in a cartoon of the magazine Detective Comics to the film trilogy directed by Christopher Nolan, through numerous television series and video games. The present diachronic analysis takes into account two aspects: the historical context of production of each version of Batman and the creative, epic-anthropological and generic attributes of the character. Like Achilles, Heracles and Odysseus, Batman long ago escaped the imaginary scope of its creators to belong, with as much or more right than these, to the authors who have enriched their heroic baggage with new feats.


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Author Biography

Raúl Álvarez Gómez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Raúl Álvarez Gómez es Doctor en Artes por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid, donde imparte clase en el departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, Lenguaje, Cultura y Artes, Ciencias Histórica-Jurídicas y Humanísticas y Lenguas Modernas. Mi línea de investigación está centrada en los estudios culturales de los medios de comunicación social. En concreto, he abordado la relación del cine y el cómic con su contexto de producción.

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How to Cite
Álvarez Gómez R. (2020). Hero, myth and popular icon: historical evolution of Batman in social media (1939-2017). Historia y Comunicación Social, 25(1), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.5209/hics.69227