Extremadura represented in the media. Intertextuality and stereotypes

  • Mª Cristina Cañamero Alvarado Facultad Ciencias de la Comunicación Universidad CJC
Keywords: Intertextuality, Image, Extremadura, Iconographic References, Communication.


The first half of the twentieth century is rich in iconographic manifestations in the mass media, a particular area, Extremadura, becomes iconographic object covers, magazines and documentaries. Three works are key to the expansion of iconographic references: Ruth M. Anderson, In the lands of Extremadura, Luis Buñuel The Hurd: Land Without Bread and Spanish Village: It lives at ancient poverty and faith, W. Eugene Smith. The objective set is to show intertextuality lines containing study images through visual representations.


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How to Cite
Cañamero Alvarado M. C. (2014). Extremadura represented in the media. Intertextuality and stereotypes. Historia y Comunicación Social, 19, 351-362. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2014.v19.45138