Minute one of hybrid television

  • Natividad Cristina Carreras Lario Universidad de Sevilla-España
Keywords: hybrid TV, social TV, connectivity, prosumers, multi-monitor.


Given the widespread implementation of hybrid and internet-connected technologies in the newest models of televisions, as well as the appearance of other advanced technologies in the market place– Smart TV, 3D, HD, 4G coverage for cell phones–, television networks, as producers of content, are facing the need to undergo a profound transformation in order to meet the emerging demands expressed by consumers of audiovisual content (broadcast, IPTV, broadband). This interactivity is now universal, encompassing all audiences and, at the same time, generating new phenomena like “social TV”, multi-monitors, cross-media entertainment, and video on demand. Sooner or later, all of these developments will converge within a new model of interoperability.


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How to Cite
Carreras Lario N. C. (2014). Minute one of hybrid television. Historia y Comunicación Social, 19, 427-438. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2014.v19.45039