History of Communication: Contributions to the Construction of a Cooperative Plural Humanism, Well Positioned and Networking Active.

  • Amparo Moreno Sardà Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona
Keywords: History of Communication, Cooperative Plural Humanism, Well Positioned and Networking Active, Scientific revolution


Facilitating the participation of women and men, ICTs can ensure a profound change in the construction of the past and present knowledge of human existence. However, for this, it is necessary a revolution of the Human and Social Sciences that will modify an androcentric paradigm that considers people as a study object and underestimates their personal contributions. The History of Communication makes contributions to this change because it proposes to articulate the personal networking communication and life plans of individual people with the collective history.


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How to Cite
Moreno Sardà A. (2014). History of Communication: Contributions to the Construction of a Cooperative Plural Humanism, Well Positioned and Networking Active. Historia y Comunicación Social, 19, 79-91. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_HICS.2014.v19.45012