Importance of communication departments in journalism. The specific case of the press release.

  • Lorena Busto Salinas Universidad de Burgos
Keywords: public relations, mass media, external communication, press release, press analysis.


The most relevant studies about the effect of communication departments in the mass media are reviewed, especially those concerning the press release. It has been noted that the number of press releases sent by different organizations has increased over the years, and so has the documents which are eventually published. As a consequence, journalists produce fewer original stories. Not only do they publish more press releases, but they also maintain the order of the ideas and they rarely complete the data with other files or consulting other sources of information.


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How to Cite
Busto Salinas L. (2014). Importance of communication departments in journalism. The specific case of the press release. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 601-612.