Edublogs and educational innovation for Journalism studies

  • Mª José Pou Amérigo Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
  • Àngels Álvarez Villa Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
  • Mª Teresa Mercado Sáez Universidad CEU-Cardenal Herrera
Keywords: Edublogs, educational innovation, journalism 2.0, networking interactivity, cross-disciplinary skills


The use of edublogs in the Journalism studies allows to recreate some professionals skills and ways of working in cyberjournalism at the classroom as the interaction with the readers; to be able to give a response about personal decisions or the creation of a professional profile for an active presence in the Network. In this paper we expose an educational experience of creation and use of edublogs in the Journalism studies from the perspective of the learning by skills.



How to Cite
Pou Amérigo M. J., Álvarez Villa À. y Mercado Sáez M. T. (2014). Edublogs and educational innovation for Journalism studies. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 549-560.