The university before the possibilities of the mobile devices in the ubiquitous learning.

  • Mª Angeles Pascual Sevillano Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Ubiquitous learning, electronic book, eBook, competitions.


The use of mobile devices of form applied to the development of personal, academic and professional competitions places us in a frame of university action based on a new educational paradigm, that of ubiquitous learning. In this article some results are exposed on the use, benefits, difficulties and competitions acquired by means of the use of the electronic book in the university Spanish area. The limitations diminish and the access to the knowledge saves obstacles that existed till now. The technology becomes increasingly accessible and the culture brings us over.


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How to Cite
Pascual Sevillano M. A. (2014). The university before the possibilities of the mobile devices in the ubiquitous learning. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 461-468.