Cartoon in Galician and Portuguese press (1870-2000). Similarities and differences

  • Félix Caballero Wangüemert Universidad de Vigo
  • Mercedes Román Portas Universidad de Vigo
Keywords: Cartoon, press, Galicia, Portugal


In cartoon in Galician and Portuguese press from 1870 to 2000 we can differentiate four paralel stages, three boom and one of decline: 1) illustrated satirical magazines (1870-1909); 2) modernism and caricature synthesis (1909-1933/1936); 3) censorship and decline (1933/1936-1969); and 4) rebirth (1969- 2000). For these 130 years, Galician and Portuguese cartoon goes from baroque naturalism of late 19th century to synthetic modernism in the first third of the 20th century and finally to a big variety of styles in recent times; and the personal and satirical caricature of the 19th becomes social and ironic in the 20th.


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How to Cite
Caballero Wangüemert F. y Román Portas M. (2014). Cartoon in Galician and Portuguese press (1870-2000). Similarities and differences. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 343-359.