Building Media Literacy trough horizontal learning communities

  • Raúl Antón Cuadrado Licenciado en Informática – Colaborador docente, UNED
  • Valeria Levratto Licenciada en Ciencia de la Comunicación (Turín, Italia)– Colaborador docente, UNED
Keywords: Horizontal communication, Media Literacy didactic, Learning communities, Constructivism, Conectivism


The aim of this paper is to present the pedagogical scenario developed in 2013 Media Literacy Pedagogy lectures. (Education, UNED). Virtual environments have been used through horizontal and constructivist proposals, using connectivism and chaos theory as catalyzers, to make students active subject of learning process. They generated the itinerary, participating in a community and choosing the discussion areas. They also agreed on the evaluation method. Their analsyis of the experience done have been collected to create best practices and improvement opportunities.


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How to Cite
Antón Cuadrado R. y Levratto V. (2014). Building Media Literacy trough horizontal learning communities. Historia y Comunicación Social, 18, 231-241.