To Augustus Consecrate

  • José d’Encarnação Universidad de Coimbra
Keywords: Imperator. Caesar. Augustus. Imperial Cult.


What about the politic power on the peoples’ government? On the time of Augustus, the emperor, a great difference from today? Politics, economy, military forces, religious context – yesterday and now. Why the emperor let his people see him as a guarantee of a desirable continuity? The emperor is imperator, like a military chief; he is Caesar, because his father was the killed Cesar; and, fundamentally, he is Augustus, protected by the gods, emperor to do the best for his people!... Isn’t a god, but Augustus let, without objection, that the cities organise collegia to promote his cult and image. It’s also an excellent form to obtain people’s fidelity, especially of the middle class, always the most important part of a local population. Some epigraphic texts are evocated to document this powerful involvement.


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How to Cite
d’Encarnação J. (2017). To Augustus Consecrate. Gerión. Revista de Historia Antigua, 35(Esp.), 763-771.