The (Im)possible Return of the State to the Forefront in the Face of a Global Catastrophe

  • Jaime Pastor Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, states, biopolitics, public goods, common domains, protectionism, territory


The global emergence of the pandemic has unleashed a series of crises in different areas. The state seems thus to have recovered a new centrality with responses to not only the most immediate challenges as pertains health, security, economic and social spheres within a context of crisis of neoliberal globalization and of geopolitical competition between old and new great powers; but also with responses to the worsening of climate change and the re-appreciation of the public and common domains. Different possible scenarios can appear “the day after”: either business as usual or the neo-social-democratic recipe, or a bottom-up alternative that may arise from social movements aspiring to achieve another possible world. Beyond these speculations, in this new era the coexistence with future insecurities will be normal.


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How to Cite
Pastor J. (2020). The (Im)possible Return of the State to the Forefront in the Face of a Global Catastrophe. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 11(Especial), 165-172.