Spatiality and Pandemic: The Coronavirus Crisis seen from Negative Geo-politics

  • Federico José Saracho López Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Keywords: COVID-19 pandemic, security, geopolitics, negativity, production of space, world-system


The COVID-19 pandemic that disrupts thousands of everyday lives around the world has become a paradigm for understanding the ways in which the world-system is articulated, by virtue of its capacity to plunge it into a deep crisis. This article highlights the relevance of reflecting, through negative geopolitics, on the implications of the dispersion of coronavirus. This proposal is articulated in six main axes: The production of space, the cross-scale power relations, the processes of domination and violence, the concretion of the world-system, the analysis of geostrategic spaces and the recognition of negative spaces. We consider that this methodological approach allows both clarity to the process to the crisis and significant horizons of transformation.


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How to Cite
Saracho López F. J. (2020). Spatiality and Pandemic: The Coronavirus Crisis seen from Negative Geo-politics. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 11(Especial), 69-79.