The Power Struggle along the US-Mexico Border: A Space of Dehumanization and of Assertion of Justice

  • Mónica Socorro Romero Meza Wilfrid Laurier University
Keywords: Dehumanization, faith-based organizations, militarization, technology, US-Mexico border


The article explores the power relations between the US immigration policy and the practices of faith-based organizations at the US-Mexico border through qualitative methods. It studies how high-level technologies implemented at the border reduce migrants to mere targets, stripping them out from their human value. It also analyzes the experiences of three faith-based organizations located at Tijuana and San Diego to understand how their humanitarian work changes the normal perception of the border as a space that only serves the purpose of the State. I argue that despite of the violence lived almost every day at the border-heightened by the implementation of military techniques- undocumented migrants can momentarily find moments of peace and justice.


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Author Biography

Mónica Socorro Romero Meza, Wilfrid Laurier University
Candidata a Doctorado en Geografía Humana en la Universidad Wilfrid Laurier, ubicada en Ontario, Canadá.
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How to Cite
Romero Meza M. S. (2019). The Power Struggle along the US-Mexico Border: A Space of Dehumanization and of Assertion of Justice. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 10(2), 185-206.