USA-China Economic and Political Relations: Assessing the Concept of Conditional Unipolarism

  • Patricio Narodowski Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Keywords: geoeconomics, China, United States, conditioned unipolarism, crisis of Fordism


The current work analyzes the process of opening and subsequent rise of China’s economy as a U.S. strategy to overcome the crisis of Fordism. The impact has been notable as regards China’s deindustrialization process and the current trade and financial balances. This impact is analyzed here on a political level and as pertains to the economic and power institutions in the U.S. The article addresses the macro-economic restrictions faced by the U.S. in the context of a competitive yuan. The main conclusion is that the prevalent “society” with China – part of the response to the 1970s crisis, which will presumably continue in the future – sets up limitations on the instruments available for the U.S. to achieve the return to the industrial areas operating today in Asia.


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Author Biography

Patricio Narodowski, Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Titular Catedra Teoría de los ciclos y las crisis y Geografía Economica Mundial Director Maestría Politicas de Desarrollo Director Doctorado en Geografía
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How to Cite
Narodowski P. (2017). USA-China Economic and Political Relations: Assessing the Concept of Conditional Unipolarism. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 8(2), 279-297.