World Order and Technology. Institutional Analysis under a Geopolitical Perspective in the Semi-periphery: Space and Missile Technology in Argentina and Brazil

  • Daniel Blinder CONICET/UNSAM
Keywords: World Order, geopolitics, technology, semiperiphery, foreign policy


This article aims to define, understand, and explain the existent relationship between World Order, foreign policy and the technology issue under a geopolitical scope. The structures of the World Order, hierarchies, the power and geopolitical codes of Nation States shapes certain characteristics to technology development on domestic and foreign policy. Technology issue and development is directly linked with policies undertaken by states and other actor of international system, system which is a part of the Order. Every technology policy of a state is a domestic policy and a foreign one. This article shows with examples of missile and space technologies on Argentina and Brazil how technology policy is also power politics, how is related with the international system, and how foreign and domestic issues explain the behavior of government but not the geopolitical order, that exceeds Nation State dimension.


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Author Biography

Daniel Blinder, CONICET/UNSAM
Dr. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Becario posdoctoral CONICET. Profesor de Relaciones Internacionales y Tecnología Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) y de Geopolítica en Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).
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How to Cite
Blinder D. (2017). World Order and Technology. Institutional Analysis under a Geopolitical Perspective in the Semi-periphery: Space and Missile Technology in Argentina and Brazil. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 8(2), 177-202.