The European Union Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia: The Limitations of the Opening towards the East

  • Carles Jovaní Gil EU External Relations and Diplomacy Studies Department, College of Europe, Verversdijk Campus
Keywords: European Union, Caucasus, Central Asia, foreign policy, geopolitics


This article intends to study the evolution of the European Union foreign policy in the Southern Caucasus and Central Area throughout the Post-Cold War era. The aim is to analyze Brussels’ fundamental interests and limitations in the area, the strategies it has implemented in the last few years, and the extent to which the EU has been able to undermine the regional hegemons’ traditional supremacy. As will be highlighted, the Community’s chronic weaknesses, the local determination to preserve sovereignty and an increasing international geopolitical competition undermine any European aspiration to become a pre-eminent actor at the heart of the Eurasian continent in the near future.


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Author Biography

Carles Jovaní Gil, EU External Relations and Diplomacy Studies Department, College of Europe, Verversdijk Campus
Premio Nacional Universitario de Geografía y doctor en "Derechos Humanos, Democracia y Justicia Internacional" por la Universitat de València ("mención de doctor internacional"). Becario de Ampliación de Estudios en el Extranjero de la Fundación Ramón Areces en el EU External Relations and Diplomacy Studies Department, College of Europe (Brujas, Bélgica).
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How to Cite
Jovaní Gil C. (2016). The European Union Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia: The Limitations of the Opening towards the East. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 7(1), 109-129.