Franco’s geopolitical approach towards the Canary Islands upon the independence of African countries in the 1960s

  • Domingo Garí Departamento de Historia Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad de La Laguna
Keywords: Spain, Canary Islands, Portugal, UN, decolonization, USSR


In 1960 the anti-colonial struggles at the Organization of the United Nations gained momentum, as a consequence of which, Resolution 1514 was passed, thereby setting an important precedent for the future. In a debate around decolonization processes, the question of the Canary Islands was raised for the first time within the United Nations. This fact timely warned Spanish diplomats about the need to change their approach in relation to Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands ―insofar as sensitive questions should be avoided―. To that end, Spain had to separate itself from Portugal until the debate on these issues came to an end.


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Author Biography

Domingo Garí, Departamento de Historia Facultad de Geografía e Historia Universidad de La Laguna
Profesor titutar de Historia Contemporánea en el Departamento de Historia, Facultad de Geografí e Historia, Universidad de La Laguna, Tenerife



How to Cite
Garí D. (2014). Franco’s geopolitical approach towards the Canary Islands upon the independence of African countries in the 1960s. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 4(2), 263-280.