The border as an object of attraction: A brief look at the relationships Galicia-Região Norte

  • Juan Manuel Trillo Santamaría Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Rubén Camilo Lois González Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Keywords: cross-border region, border, territorial attractiveness, Galicia, North of Portugal


Spain and Portugal’s entrance into the EEC in 1986 propelled their bilateral relations. This landmark event fostered contact among territorial collectivities on both sides of the Spanish-Portuguese border, which for the last decades had acted as an insurmountable barrier. In the context of a full integration in Europe, and due to the cooperation policies promoted within the communitarian frame, the meaning of the border varied from dislike and closure to openness and contact (i.e., from barrier to bridge). New ways of communication are opened between Iberian actors; such is the case in the so-called Galicia-North of Portugal Euroregion. This contribution seeks to make a balance of the strengthening of relations in economic, political, social and institutional terms in this cross-border region. The border as a territorial and touristic resource will be emphasized as an element that contributes to Euroregional integration.


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Author Biography

Rubén Camilo Lois González, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Departamento de Xeografía



How to Cite
Trillo Santamaría J. M. y Lois González R. C. (2012). The border as an object of attraction: A brief look at the relationships Galicia-Região Norte. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder, 2(1), 109-134.