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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Scope and policy

1. Geopolítica(s). Revista de estudios sobre espacio y poder (ISSN 2172-3958, ISSN-e 2172-7155), issued every six months, features original, unpublished articles, giving preference to work that makes a genuine theoretical or methodological contribution to the study of the relationship between space and power, particularly in Latin America and Iberian countries. Consequently, it will publish articles from several fields of research from Political Geography and the other Social Sciences insomuch that they develop a spatial analysis perspective.

2. Geopolítica(s) advocates scientific pluralism, both in reference to fields of research in Political Geography and epistemological, methodological and technical perspectives. In this respect, the journal is indistinctly open to different theoretical perspectives and critical methodologies, without ruling out works from traditional geopolitics a priori and it encourages authors to write articles that assess the relative merits of different theoretical and methodological approaches to explain important empirical political phenomena.

3. The journal will only accept original pieces stemming from scientific research. The submission of a manuscript to Geopolítica(s) implies that it has not been previously published or has not been simultaneously submitted to another periodical.

4. The manuscripts can be submitted in Spanish, Portuguese or English.

5. The publication of articles is conditioned to the peer review of members of the journal's Scientific Committees, of which there are three: an Editorial Board (comprising the editors of the journal and renowned researchers, similar to "associated editors," who convene periodically to take decisions, actively contributing in the editorial process and evaluation); the Scientific Board (constituted by leading experts in their respective fields in Spain and abroad, whose function is to aid the Editorial Board) and the Consultative Board (comprised of ad hoc reviewers with proven expertise based in Brazil and abroad) which is responsible for aiding the editors in taking decisions concerning the received articles and thereby contributing to assure quality and scientific rigor.

6. The manuscripts received are submitted to a three-tiered evaluation system: the first filter, carried out by the Director, supported by the Editorial Assistant, is strictly formal in nature, and evaluates whether the manuscript received conforms to the scope defined by Geopolítica(s). If the answer is negative, a letter is drafted and sent explaining the motives of refusal. If the answer is positive, it appoints ad hoc reviewers, always PhD holders with proven expertise in the subject. Lastly, the third filter is carried out by the Consultative Board, which, always based on double-blind evaluations, assists the Editor-in-Chief in the final decision, which is then communicated by letter.

7. The decision letter sent by the Director can: 1) accept the article for publication, with or without revisions; 2) suggest the text be resubmitted for consideration upon the completion of substantive revisions, or 3) deny publication. In case the text is submitted to a new evaluation, Geopolítica(s) will process a maximum of two re-evaluations before taking a definitive decision.

8. The approximate time for a final decision is 2 months in the case of articles that are rejected in the first of second filter and 6 months in the case of articles sent to ad hocreviewers. This average time is calculated based on the dates of submission and final decision concerning publication.

9. The approved manuscripts will be submitted to copydesk and returned to the author for the approval of such suggested modifications. Upon approval, the manuscript will undergo final diagramming and composition. At this time, no further additions or modifications will be accepted. The editors reserve themselves the right to carry out modifications or exclusions / cuts in order to adequate them to guidelines, respecting the original content and the style of the author, whom will always be consulted. Following publication of the article, each author will receive one copy of the edition.

10. The author is responsible for the data (which must always be available for consultation after the publication), analyses and opinions contained in the article.

11. Participation in Geopolítica(s) implies the agreement and fulfilment of the journal’s Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement is guided by COPE’s Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors and the COPE Code of Conduct found here:

12. There is no fee for submission and evaluation articles.

13. Authors whose manuscripts are accepted for publication in Geopolítica(s) agree to participate in the peer review process required by internal standars operating in the journal. This reciprocity measure requests your availability to complete a minimum of 2 peer reviews for each article published and the publication of your paper in Geopolítica(s) implies also explicitly agree to these terms.


Manuscript format

1. Manuscripts are to be exclusively submitted through the Revistas Científicas Complutenses platform. The Geopolítica(s) website provides a link to this platform. In the submission process, the author must follow the instructions provided here and in the online platform.

2. In case of multiple authors, the text must be submitted by the first author (or contact author). In case of approval, all authors must express endorsement of the manuscript to be published.

3. The extension of manuscripts may range between 9,000 and 11,000 words, and must be submitted in Times New Roman font, size 12, 1.5 space and justified paragraphs. The abstract, no more than 200 words, must be submitted in the original language of the article (in case of approval, Geopolítica(s) will take care of the translation of the abstracts into Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English), clearly and synthetically outlining the purpose, methods employed, and main conclusions of the work, along with 5 keywords.

4. For online submissions, two archives in .doc or .docx format must be attached: 
- the first archive, exclusively addressed to the Editor-in-Chief as a cover letter, must include the title of the article, abstract and a short biographic note on the author(s) (academic degrees, current position and most relevant recent publications). This archive can also contain comments and justifications addressed to the Director of Geopolítica(s) concerning any aspect related to the article's processing. Information that reveals the manuscript's author and acknowledgments can also be included. 
- the second archive is the main document, the main version of the manuscript that will be read by designated peer reviewers. For this reason this archive must be submitted with no references or information that might reveal the identity of the authors. The only elements contained should be the title, the text and bibliographical references.

5. Graphs and tables must be accompanied by respective spreadsheets. The units values are expressed in and sources must be clearly indicated. High-resolution images should be attached separately, and not within the main document.

6. Inquiries concerning the submissions or evaluation processes must be directed to our institutional e-mail:

7. Notes must be substantive in nature, limiting themselves to additional comments to the text.

8. Bibliographical references must appear in the body of the text, with the author's last name mentioned followed by the year of publication and the number of the page, when needed (Lynch, 2014: 97). Literal citation of texts by other authors longer than three lines must appear as a separate paragraph.

9. All bibliographical references cited in the text must appear at the end of the article, in alphabetical order, following the format below:

For books (example):
Mignolo, Walter (1995) The Darker Side of the Renaissance: Literacy, Territoriality, Colonization. Ann Arbor (Michigan): University of Michigan Press.

For book chapters (example):
Routledge, Paul (1998) “Anti-geopolitics. Introduction”, en G. Ó Tuathail, S. Dalby y P. Routledge (eds.) The Geopolitics Reader. Londres: Routledge, 245-255.

Journal articles (example):
Kuus, Merje (2007) “Love, peace and NATO: imperial subject-making in Central Europe”. Antipode, vol. 39, no. 2, 269-290.

Digital articles (example):
Unión Europea (2010) “Partnership and Cooperation Agreements (PCAs): Russia, Eastern Europe, the Southern Caucasus and Central Asia” [Puesto en línea el 29 de septiembre de 2010. URL: <>. Consultado el 25 de noviembre de 2015].

Dissertations and theses (example):
Cairo Carou, Heriberto (1993) Elementos para una geopolítica crítica de la guerra y de la paz: la construcción social del conflicto territorial argentino-británico. Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencia Política), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid.


Book Review Essay

Geopolítica(s) does not accept reviews or book submissions for review. All reviews are in charge of a specialist selected by the Editorial Board.

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