Alumnos/as excepcionales con alto nivel de ejecución dentro del contexto escolar

  • Ana Mª Peña del Agua


Our educational centres influenced by the fast changes appearing in our society must face, among other things, the special educational necessities required by their pupils. In this context, we consider to reflect about the following aspects as an important issue: 1) the tallented/brilliant students with a high level of performance; 2) the necessity of causing educational response that guides this group for the development of all their aptitudes; 3) the training/formation of professionals in education related to giftedness. Accordingly, we think that the educational administration should be the one to extend the efforts not ony to recognise the rights for a proper education that every student has, but also to consider the needs held by the teachers to face this new challenge, answering in an adequate way and getting processes, resources and materials that guarantee the assistance for exceptional students inside the own classroom.


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How to Cite
Peña del Agua A. M. . (2000). Alumnos/as excepcionales con alto nivel de ejecución dentro del contexto escolar. FAISCA: Journal of High Abilities, 8, 76-85.