The Construction of Queer Identity and Image in Taiwanese Youth Queer Cinema in the 21st Century

Keywords: Queer film studies, homosexuality, Taiwan, Youth cinema, LGBTIQ Studies


Taiwanese youth queer cinema has become an important branch of Chinese LGBTQ+ cinema to the point of raising a significant movement of reflection on queer realities and their representation. For this reason, the present work aims to analyze the representations of homosexuality in Taiwanese films and explore the fundamental mechanisms intrinsic to the formation of queer identity in the characters. With this objective, a cinematographic and semiotic analysis of the seven most representative queer films of Taiwanese cinema was methodologically carried out and several aspects related to the formal structure of homoerotic representations, the forms of self-identification of younger audiences with this type of cinema and the strategies in the communication of the films, as well as the cultural debates that they propose.

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How to Cite
Xie F., Yang J. y Tan J. (2023). The Construction of Queer Identity and Image in Taiwanese Youth Queer Cinema in the 21st Century. Estudios LGBTIQ+, Comunicación y Cultura, 3(1), 71-82.
Artículos de Investigación