Promotion in ecclesiastical careers through the diplomatic service of the kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the Late Middle Ages

Keywords: monarchy, ecclesiastics, diplomacy, Castile, Portugal, Late Middle Ages


The ecclesiastics, as servants of the Portuguese and Castilian monarchies during the late medieval period, frequently participated in the embassies they sent to negotiate with other political formations, and in some cases, they were rewarded by their monarchs with promotion in their ecclesiastical career. The analysis of the different trajectories of the Portuguese and Castilian ecclesiastics who collaborated in diplomacy will allow us to know to what extent the existence of these awards was important, and if the construction or promotion of ecclesiastical careers around the diplomatic service was common.


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How to Cite
Vigil Montes N. . (2024). Promotion in ecclesiastical careers through the diplomatic service of the kingdoms of Portugal and Castile in the Late Middle Ages. En la España Medieval, 47, 137-154.